Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Welcome to my blog.... this is just the beginning!

Hello Everyone,

As humans, we are all in a rush to get somewhere now! We are all sometimes guilty of not having our priorities in order. Overall, we are overfed and undernourished. We're running on less sleep, processed foods, and more stress. We lose our health to make money and then lose our money to regain our health. Why not start living well now and enjoy your life to it's fullest potential?

If your health isn't your priority,  your body is likely sending you signals that it needs help. Your body will tell you with many different signals: pain, headaches, sinus infections, fatigue, weight gain, acid reflux, digestive problems, dizziness, joint stiffness, insomnia... my list could go on and on. 

How many times have you sat in a doctor's office for thirty minutes and when you finally see him or her it's only for five minutes and you leave with a prescription and instruction to call if you feel worse? Have you ever waited hours for a return phone call from your doctor that never comes? It is frustrating, I understand. 

I am the doctor that is here for you, always. I am available to you by phone, email, or office visit. I strive to be an excellent resource for you and your family when it comes to holistic health and wellness.  My promise to you is that I will consistently deliver quality, individualized, and compassionate care to every patient that is incomparable to any doctor in this area. I am truly passionate about your health and happiness. I really love my work!

I am so excited to start this blog. Check back from time to time. I plan to post once weekly. 

So I can officially say, "Welcome to my blog... this is just the beginning!"

Be well,
Dr. M

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