Sunday, January 18, 2009

Purple Peruvian Potatoes!

There’s a new potato in town, and not only is its flesh a rakish shade of purple that even Prince might find a little loud, but it’s also really good for you. The potato is a superspud containing high amounts of antioxidants. The color is from the same powerful antioxidant that give blueberries their color. Purple Peruvian Potatoes were some of the first potatoes harvested and they used to be saved for Inca Kings. Purple potatoes are now gaining popularity in the US. They have a naturally creamy, rich flavor and texture that hold their shape well for salads.

Who knew? I sure didn't! There I was walking through Roots market this past weekend, and to my surprise I saw a purple potato. I thought I might be grossed out to think that someone dyed a potato, but I quickly learned that they are all natural, delicious, and nutritious. I was so excited, because it was something that I could enjoy for the Raven's playoff game.

I baked them, but I am sure you could scour the web for more recipes for them. Purple potato salad anyone?

Dr. M


ML said...

We have been growing Purple Peruvian Potatoes for years. Leave 1 potatoes behind when harvesting and you will have 5 lbs. next year and continue to have volunteers for years to come. They are not as sensitive to light, so storage is not as difficult as regular potatoes. They are one of the most delicious potatoes out there and versatile! All people have to do is get past the color. Lavender mashed potatoes stops a few people, until they taste them. Love them....

Daniel Tourigny said...

any idea if baking the potatoes would destroy the antioxidant properties of the purpleness? (ie, is the "hype" of antioxidant based on raw extracts rather than real-world potato preparation?)

Unknown said...

WOW!! Great info and comments on the purple diviness my hubby's making now...I have a degree in history so was absolutely fascinated to learn these are from the Andes...thank you!!!!!!

Tink23dec said...

I live in Leader, TX, am learning to be a Vegan, and I want to know how I might be able to get some of those awesome "Purple Peruvian Potatoes"?