Saturday, November 29, 2008

How to survive the holidays and not gain a pound!

The most common question asked by my patients last week was... "How do I keep off the weight I have lost in your program through the holidays?".

The answer is simple: PORTION CONTROL

Truthfully you can indulge on what you want to, but you must exercise self-control. If you must have a cookie at the holiday party, have one - not four. Remember that the more sugar you consume, the more you will crave.
  1. Meet yourself halfwayYou can cut the calories of your favorite foods by 50% without changing anything about them -- just eat half. For example, if you usually eat a deli sandwich at lunch, eat half it, but replace your chips with carrot sticks. Still hungry? Before you reach for the rest of your sandwich, munch on a piece of fruit. Produce takes longer to eat and digest than other foods, which means you'll have more time to notice you're getting full. Plus, the added fiber in both the carrots and fruit will help you feel more satisfied, for much longer, than chips would have.When you are dining at a restaurant, ask the waiter for a take-out container as soon as he gets your order. Put half of your meal in the box as soon as it arrives.
  2. Eat Slowly - Try to eat slowly and enjoy the conversation and the restaurant's ambiance. Remember, it takes about 20 minutes to start to feel full, so eating at a slower pace will prevent you from overeating.
  3. Size up your servings - Just how many of those chips are in a serving? Check the nutrition label to find out -- you may be surprised at how small an actual serving looks compared to what you usually eat. Learn what is a serving of your favorite snacks; start by measuring them out the next few times you eat them. Once you get into the habit of seeing how much a serving really looks like, you'll eventually be able to "eyeball" servings and know how much is too much. 
  4. Make a fist - That is the most you should have of anything at one time. If you stay smaller than a fist-full you will be on the safe side.
  5. Compare to control - A really nifty way of learning to control portions is to mentally compare them with common everyday objects that you are used to seeing. Some of the reminders I use are that three ounces of meat is the size of a deck of cards; one ounce of meat is the size of a matchbook; one cup of potatoes, rice or pasta looks like a tennis ball; and use one shot glass worth of salad dressing at the most.
  6. Unlimited fruits and vegetables - Really, let your hair down on this one. Get in as many fruits and vegetables as you can during the holidays and eat the fruits and/or veggies first, then other foods later. You will fill up quicker and be a lot more satisfied.
  7. Drink up - Plenty of water that is. If you are hungry or craving a certain food, start drinking water right away. Often times thirst can be disguised as hunger. Also, drinking water will help you to not eat as much.
Hopefully these are helpful tips for you to survive this holiday season! Remember you can do it and I can help.

Happy Holidays,
Dr. M

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