Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why Grass-Fed?

Hello Everyone!

Your grill is probably getting fired up for this summer... and I want to help you out. This is a topic I could go on about forever, but to keep it short and sweet -- make sure you eat organic meat.

Remember that if you eat beef, chicken, or fish that was given antibiotics and steroids (an industry standard!) while being raised... you too are eating steroids and antibiotics! You are what you eat, and whatever your meat consumed while alive is exactly what's going in your body.

Why are girls getting their menstrual cycles at such young ages? Why do men have breasts? Why is menopause so hard? In short, the hormones in your meat!

Organic Grass fed beef is the best...and Organic Free Range Chickens are primo as well. Make sure that animal you are eating roamed the pasture and was happy prior to your consumption. Here's why:

Five Reasons Why You Should Switch to Organic Grass Fed Beef

1. Grass Fed Beef is healthier for you and your family.
If you are already worried about the effects of meat on you or your family's health, you can stop worrying! Pasture raised beef is lower in total fat than regular beef and is rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids!

2. There is a difference in taste between grain and pasture raised beef.
You'll probably be able to taste a difference with the first bite of a Texas grass fed beef hamburger. What you can taste is clean meat. 
You aren't consuming antibiotics and hormones.

3. Switching to grass fed beef can help to keep our environment clean.
All cattle eat a lot, and all cattle make a lot of waste. Did you know there are over 90 million head of cattle in the United States? The vast majority of these live in 
huge feed lots, and the waste has no where to go but down. It seeps into the groundwater, finds its way into the river, and pollutes the water. In fact, animal waste has already polluted many of our waterways. In addition, the corn and grains that is used to feed grain fed beef, has been sprayed with pesticides that not only get into the animal, but harm our environment.

4. American grass fed beef is more humane to the cattle.
Time is money to the average cattle rancher. Their goals are to get the cattle big and fat as fast as possible, and to make as much money as possible. How do typical ranchers speed up the process? They use grain, hormones, AND antibiotics liberally to push Mother Nature along. 

5. Raising beef cattle on the pasture is safer meat.
Why? Because they are eating a diet that was suited for their bodies.

The best book on this topic, that also comes on a narrated CD is "The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan. 

If you live in the MD area, get your grass fed beef from Lew at Cedar Run Farms. His website can be accessed by clicking here.

Be well,

Dr. M

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